Sunday, May 26, 2013

Movement on Main competition to reimagine Wyoming Street in Syracuse, New York

Recently, Stoss Landscape Urbanism from Boston, MA won the Movement on Main: Designing the Healthy Main Street competition for Syracuse, NY. The competition was put on by Arts at the Educational Foundation of America. Movement on Main has a goal to tie investments made on Wyoming Street into the revitalization of the impoverished Near Westside neighborhood. The design seeks to create new public spaces that encourage and foster community engagement with movement through various new technologies.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Landscape Architecture Foundation - Olmsted Scholar Program

The Landscape Architecture Foundation created an award program titled Olmsted Scholar. Schools are able to nominate one graduate student and one undergraduate student as a University Olmsted Scholar and compete for the National Olmsted Scholar Award. This year I was privileged to be nominated as the graduate student at the University of Massachusetts. This post is not about me though, as I was not selected as the National Olmsted Scholar or finalists. The undergraduate selected from UMass, Eliza Rodrigs, was one of the finalists with her studies concentrating on food deserts and urban agriculture. Although I was sad I did not win, it was exciting that a finalist came from UMass.

First Blog Post

Welcome to my blog. Now that I have finally finished school I have time for other things. I am hoping to utilize this blog as a way to keep up with current trends and research in the field of landscape architecture. With that in mind, my first post has to contain a link to the American Society of Landscape Architecture. I began my studies in landscape horticulture at the University of Maine and after realizing that I had more interest in design I decided to transfer. I moved to Kentucky and established residency before entering the University of Kentucky's Landscape Architecture program. While in my last year at Kentucky I was privileged to receive an internship at CDP Engineers in Lexington, KY. Following the completion of my education at Kentucky and my internship at CDP Engineers I decided to attend grad school for my Masters of Landscape Architecture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. While at UMass, I was able to work with a lot of great professors and students on various projects and fully develop my skills. I look forward to filling you in on various articles, research, and current events in landscape architecture and related fields.